Lol you are good :)
Wow you really know how to spoof things with only a single 1 liner :D
I was gonna give you 8, cuz its pretty much like the first game, but for the EPICROLL I give you 10 :D :D most hillarious thing EVER. period :D
Lol you are good :)
Wow you really know how to spoof things with only a single 1 liner :D
I was gonna give you 8, cuz its pretty much like the first game, but for the EPICROLL I give you 10 :D :D most hillarious thing EVER. period :D
Madagascar I hate you :D
Damn thats really good game, good improvement from the first one..but only 1 thing.. do something with the madagascar :D I just cant kill it.. I hate it so much that I probably even won't go to the cinema to see Madagascar 2 :D
kinda nice, but
I really found annoying that sometimes I was aiming directly at some guys head but I just couldn't get the headshot.... and from wave 12 it's really hardcore
You bastard :D
I don't know why, but I find the game really catchy :) Couldn't get away from it
Oh yeah :)
Kickass game :) good idea, graphics and fun :D damn when the walrus told me he wasn't king I was like: WTFFFF?? :D
Yea, I kinda liked it..but it really was missing some animation, apart from that it was great :)
OMG thats such a classic :D I remember playing this and it was my first visit to newgrounds, I wal like: WTF is newgrounds?? :D ah those were the good days :D
As for the game: It deserves 10 just for being so classic and awesome and witty :)
Pure awesomeness!
I really like this game cuz its not just an ordinary platformer. U used an original and fun concept which results in a kickass game :) the possibilities in this game ar great ;) just when I thought of it how I would have to puke to jump higher, it made mekinda sick :D
Goddamnit why does it have to b so addictive? :D cool graphics, fun gameplay!! As Teamblast said: the only thing missing is an even more awesome sequel!! :)
Joined on 1/6/10